Robert Greene Books In order

Robert Greene Books In Order | Biography | Full List

Robert Greene Books In order – People worldwide love self-help books to raise the standard in their lives. Worldwide, authors write many books to help people change their habits, how to achieve power, the art of seduction, and how to do self-mastery, and Robert Greene’s Books In Order is one of them.

Robert Greene is one of the best American authors and is known for his books on power, the art of seduction, and human nature. Every human being is crazy about being in power, but they don’t know about ways to develop self-mastery habits and strategies of war to achieve power. 

If you want to do self-mastery and want to know war strategies to achieve success and power, then Robert Greene is the best author in this genre who helps readers with his books. If you are a frequent reader and want to know about power, strategies, and self-mastery tricks, then Robert Greene’s Books In Order will help change your life. 

Let’s examine Robert Greene’s life and books. Read this full article to learn all about Robert Greene.

Publication Order of Arkladian Chronicles Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
The Pillars of Azteryl(2017)Buy Now

Publication Order of A History of Space Exploration Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Lair of the Giants(2018)Buy Now
The Pluto Enigma(2019)Buy Now

Publication Order of Clive Dawson Humor & Entertainment Books as Clive Dawson

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
I Walked With a Zombie (As: Clive Dawson)(1970)Buy Now

Publication Order of Dark Armageddon Trilogy Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Dawn of the Old Ones(2016)Buy Now
Dark Armageddon(2017)Buy Now
The Coming of Cthugha(2017)Buy Now

Publication Order of Johnny Merak Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Savage City(2005)Buy Now
A Time for Murder(2007)Buy Now
Death Never Strikes Twice(2007)Buy Now
Death Comes Calling(2009)Buy Now
Murder Is My Shadow(2009)Buy Now
The Wheel Spins Thirteen(2009)Buy Now
Roses for a Lady(2010)Buy Now
Rackets, Inc.(2013)Buy Now

Publication Order of Primal Link Books as L. Bowers, with Justin Sloan

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Primal Link(2020)Buy Now
Primal Link 2(2020)Buy Now
Primal Link 3(2021)Buy Now

Publication Order of Steve Carradine Books as Manning Robertson

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Seek and Destroy(2005)Buy Now
The Secret Enemy(2014)Buy Now
Blueprint for Destruction(2014)Buy Now
Twelve Hours to Destiny(2015)Buy Now
Pattern for Survival(2015)Buy Now
Night Passage to Kano(2016)Buy Now

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Black Infinity(1952)Buy Now
Cosmic Echelon(1952)Buy Now
Satellite B.C.(As: Rand Le Page)(1952)Buy Now
Time and Space(As: Rand Le Page)(1952)Buy Now
Zero Point(As: Rand Le Page)(1952)Buy Now
Asteroid Forma(As: Rand Le Page)(1953)Buy Now
Dark Andromeda(As: A.J. Merak)(1953)Buy Now
Dawn of the Half Gods / Space Void(As: Victor Salle)(1953)Buy Now
Lost Aeons(As: Berl Cameron)(1953)Buy Now
Sphero Nova(As: Berl Cameron)(1953)Buy Now
Dawn of the Half-Gods(As: Victor La Salle)(1953)Buy Now
Menace from Mercury(As: Victor La Salle)(1954)Buy Now
Twilight Zone(As: Victor La Salle)(1954)Buy Now
Trail Blazers / Bowie of the Alamo(1956)Buy Now
This Second Earth(As: L. Bowers)(1957)Buy Now
The Dark Millenium(As: A.J. Merak)(1958)Buy Now
The Time Kings(As: J.B. Dexter)(1958)Buy Now
The World Makers(1958)Buy Now
No Dawn and No Horizon(As: A.J. Merak)(1959)Buy Now
Barrier Unknown(As: A.J. Merak)(1960)Buy Now
Black Abyss(As: J.L. Powers)(1960)Buy Now
Hydrosphere(As: A.J. Merak)(1960)Buy Now
When The Gods Came(As: John Adams)(1961)Buy Now
Cain Brand(2002)Buy Now
Coyote Brand(2002)Buy Now
El Diablo(2002)Buy Now
Justice at Red River(2002)Buy Now
Edge of the Badlands(As: Lance Hayden)(2002)Buy Now
Framed in Guilt(2002)Buy Now
Killers’ Haven(As: Stephen Jervis)(2002)Buy Now
The Rim Riders(2002)Buy Now
The Savage Hills(As: Carl Eddings)(2002)Buy Now
Sole Survivor(2002)Buy Now
The Streets of Sundown(As: Richard Howard)(2002)Buy Now
Traitors’ Guns(2002)Buy Now
Badlands Feud(As: Randall Payne)(2002)Buy Now
Dakota Manhunt(2002)Buy Now
The Proud Rebel(As: Michael Stansfield)(2002)Buy Now
Saddlerock(2002)Buy Now
Triple Peaks(2002)Buy Now
West of the Cimarron(As: John Manville)(2002)Buy Now
The Hostile Country(2002)Buy Now
Brand of the Hunted(2003)Buy Now
Crimson Dust(2003)Buy Now
Siege Town(2003)Buy Now
Quantrill’s Legacy(As: Robert Greene)(2003)Buy Now
Hang the Hellion High(2003)Buy Now
Marked for Violence(2003)Buy Now
Battle at Circle Four(2003)Buy Now
The Man from Abilene(2003)Buy Now
Bender’s Edge(As: Paul Marsden)(2003)Buy Now
Flashpoint(2003)Buy Now
Thunderfire(As: Ralph Summers)(2003)Buy Now
The Time of the Lawman(As: Alan Vinson)(2004)Buy Now
The Substance of a Shade(2004)Buy Now
Who Rides with Vengeance(As: Carl Eddings)(2004)Buy Now
Battle of the Nesters(2004)Buy Now
El Dorado Trail(2004)Buy Now
Kansas Fury(As: Carl Eddings)(2004)Buy Now
Day of Violence(2005)Buy Now
The Hunted(2005)Buy Now
Stranger with a Gun(2005)Buy Now
Gunrage at Calder Wells(2006)Buy Now
Lawman Without A Gun(As: Clive Dawson)(2006)Buy Now
Traitor’s Gold(As: Wade Dellman)(2006)Buy Now
Bitter Vengeance(2006)Buy Now
The Dark Destroyer(2007)Buy Now
Dark Conflict(2008)Buy Now
The Undead(2008)Buy Now
Guntrail to Condor(2009)Buy Now
Dark Legion(2009)Buy Now
Mystery of the Crater(2010)Buy Now
Hideout at Mender’s Crossing(2010)Buy Now
Project Jove(2010)Buy Now
The Missing Heiress Murders(2010)Buy Now
Wreath for a Lady(2014)Buy Now
Storm Over Mendaro(2017)Buy Now
Arizona Manhunt(2017)Buy Now
The Natchez Trace(2017)Buy Now
Sierra Marshal(2017)Buy Now
Shannon City Breakout(2018)Buy Now
Gunhawks Westward(2019)Buy Now
Desert Siege(2019)Buy Now
Ballard’s Crossing(2019)Buy Now
Yuma Showdown(2019)Buy Now
Thunder at Abilene(2019)Buy Now
The Treasure of San Miguel(2019)Buy Now

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
The Horror from the Deep(2020)Buy Now

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
The Lonely Shadows(2012)Buy Now
The Dark Boatman(2012)Buy Now
The Thing in the Mist(2012)Buy Now
The Brooding City and Other Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos(2015)Buy Now
Beyond the Rim and Other Stories(2015)Buy Now

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Variable Stars(1968)Buy Now
The Dwarf Novae(1970)Buy Now
Boundaries of the Universe(2013)Buy Now

Publication Order of Golden Amazon Books with John Russell Fearn, Philip Harbottle

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Conquest of the Amazon(1949)Buy Now
World Beneath Ice(1949)Buy Now
Lord of Atlantis(1949)Buy Now
Triangle of Power(1950)Buy Now
The Amethyst City(1951)Buy Now
Daughter of the Amazon(1952)Buy Now
Quorne Returns(1952)Buy Now
The Central Intelligence(1953)Buy Now
Parasite Planet(1955)Buy Now
The Cosmic Crusaders(1955)Buy Now
World Out of Step(1956)Buy Now
Kingpin Planet(1957)Buy Now
The Shadow People(1957)Buy Now
World in Reverse(1958)Buy Now
Dwellers in Darkness(1958)Buy Now
World in Duplicate(1959)Buy Now
Lords of Creation(2013)Buy Now
Duel with Colossus(2016)Buy Now
Ghost World(2016)Buy Now
Standstill Planet(2016)Buy Now
Earth Divided(2017)Buy Now
Chameleon Planet(2017)Buy Now
Seetee Sun(2023)Buy Now
The Sun Movers(2023)Buy Now
The Crimson Peril(2023)Buy Now
Primordial World(2023)Buy Now

Publication Order of Shadows Over Innsmouth Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Shadows Over Innsmouth(By: Stephen Jones)(1994)Buy Now
Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth(By: Hugh B. Cave,Stephen Jones)(2005)Buy Now
Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth(2013)Buy Now

Publication Order of The Year of the Cat Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
A Cat of a Different Color(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Perfect Taste(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Disdainful Looks(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Strange Lands(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Space and Time(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Cozy Situations(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Heroic Heart(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Roving Nature(2020)Buy Now
A Cat of Artistic Sensibilities(2021)Buy Now
A Cat of Fantastic Whims(2021)Buy Now
A Cat of Romantic Soul(2021)Buy Now
A Cat of Feral Instincts(2021)Buy Now

Publication Order of Through My Eyes Books

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
Shahana(By: Rosanne Hawke)(2013)Buy Now
Amina(As: J.L. Powers)(2013)Buy Now
Naveed(By: John Heffernan)(2014)Buy Now
Zafir(By: Prue Mason)(2015)Buy Now
Hotaka(By: John Heffernan)(2017)Buy Now
Shaozhen(By: Wai Chim)(2017)Buy Now
Lyla(By: Fleur Beale)(2018)Buy Now
Angel(By: Zoe Daniel)(2018)Buy Now
Alex(By: Rosanne Hawke)(2023)Buy Now

Publication Order of Anthologies

Book TitleYearBuy at Amazon
110 Stories(2004)Buy Now
To the Stars – and Beyond(2011)Buy Now
The Cthulhu Mythos Megapack(2012)Buy Now
Weirder Shadows Over Innsmouth(2013)Buy Now
Citing Atheists: Quotes of Agnosticism, Non-Theism, Skepticism, Irreligion, Free Thought, and Philosophy(2015)Buy Now
Confronting Climate Crises through Education: Reading Our Way Forward(2018)Buy Now
A Cat of Disdainful Looks(2020)Buy Now
Inaugural Speeches from the Presidents of the United States – Complete Edition(2024)Buy Now

The Early Life Of Robert Greene

Robert Greene was born on May 14, 1959, to Jewish parents. He grew up in Los Angeles and attended the University of California, where he finished his B. A. Before becoming the author, Greene tried more than 60 jobs. He worked as a writer in Fabrica and also in art at a media school. The 48 Laws of Power added fame to Robert Greene’s life.

5 Most Popular Robert Greene Books In Order

The 48 Laws Of Power

The 48 Laws of Power is the first book written by Robert Greene and published in 1998. People seek power and feel powerless, which can lead to a miserable life. To guide them, Robert Greene wrote his book to help people how to achieve and handle power. 

Robert Greene explains the principle of power and self-mastery tools by illustrating examples from ancient, powerful leaders and their ways and how they managed people when they were in power. 

In this Robert Greene book in order, 48 laws of power and principles remain in power for a long time. If they are willing to achieve power, then just this Robert Book to know the power, how to negotiate with people, and how to make war strategies for obtaining power. The 48 Laws of Power is an international best-seller book, and 1.2 million have been sold so far.

The Art Of Seduction

The Art of Seduction is the second book by Robert Greene, published in the year and became a Best International seller. Robert describes the art of seducing and how to inspire people to complete their goals. Robert Greene talks about behavior and nature and how use can seduce anyone. The author describes the ways of seduction by examples of Cleopatra, Duke Ellington, and John F. Kennedy to support the psychology behind seduction. 

He gives a guide to maintain their relationship by knowing the behavior and habits of you and other people to manipulate the behavior of the other people for you. The author describes the nine types of seducer tips, which have different dominant strategies. To know more about seduction, you have to go through  “The Art of Seduction”.

The 33 Strategies Of War

The 33 Strategies of War is a book by Robert Greene and is based on the strategies of the war. The author stated in the book how to make strategies for every department of life like business, sports, and many more because people take on challenges in their lives. 

Generally, people take their challenges as war, so writers help readers by giving ideas and tips to plan the strategies for their challenges and war. He shares the tips by giving examples of many war heroes and leaders and how they plan and execute the strategies for their goals. National Basketball Association player Chris’s boss stated that it is their favorite book, and more than 200000 copies have been sold so far.

The Laws Of Human Nature

The Laws of Human Nature is another best Robert Greene books in order based on Human nature. Handling many people in life in the workplace, society, and your family becomes very difficult because of their behavior. People in their life get stressed and frustrated by dealing with people in their day-to-day lives because they don’t know anything about human behavior. 

Many corporate people get confused while hiring people for their organization as they don’t know about the nature of the individuals. Robert Greene states the 18 laws of human nature to know how humans behave, and it helps us to choose good character people in their lives and business. Go through this book, and you will get to know how to master human behavior.


Mastery is the fifth book of Robert Greene, which was published on November 12, 2013. In this book, Robert illustrated with examples of both contemporary and historical figures such as Charles Darwin, Paul Graham, the Wright Brothers, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Mozart’s life and life problems as they faced the ups and downs of their life, after which they became masters. 

In the six sections, Robert focuses on the path and lessons followed by the masters. If you want to enhance your life and take a step toward mastery in the department of your life, then this book is a boon for you.

To Sum Up

Who else in this world does not want power, the art of seduction, and tips for doing self-mastery? Everyone in this world has a desire to acquire power, and they don’t know how to grab it. Robert Greene shared many ideas for people to seduce their desire and help him learn how to be a self-master. If you want power in life or you want to learn the practical art of seduction, then read Robert Greene’s Books In Order.

Top FAQ on Robert Greene

  1. Who is Robert Greene?

    Robert Greene is an American author known for books on power, strategy, and human behavior. His best-known works include The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, and The Laws of Human Nature. Greene blends history, psychology, and philosophy to offer practical advice, often drawing both praise and criticism for his insights into human nature.

  2. What is Robert Greene’s most recent publication?

    Robert Greene’s most recent book is The Inaugural Speeches from the Presidents of the United States, released in October 2024.

  3. What is the upcoming book by Robert Greene?

    His upcoming book, Towards the Sublime, is now scheduled for release on June 4, 2026

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