Leif Babin Books In Order

Leif Babin Books In order | Biography | All Books List

Leif Babin Books In order – People all around the world are very curious to know about the interesting facts about war and war heroes. They love to read war stories and military operations like how the defense personnel completed their missions, led their battalions at the time of war and how they operated in the war field, war strategies, and the mindset of the war heroes to win the war.

Leif Babin is one of the best authors and a former U.S. naval officer who had written two books about the mindset and character of the leader in the series of best Leif Babin Books In Order

The first one is “Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win”. And the second one is “The Dichotomy of Leadership: Balancing the Challenges of Extreme Ownership to Lead and Win”

So let’s see the life journey of Leif Babin, how he struggled for a career, and what are the best Leif Babin Books In Order.

Leif Babin – A Quick Biography

Leif Babin was born and raised in Southeast Texas. After completing high school, he joined the U.S. Naval Academy to complete his bachelor of science: in engineering, and later on, he joined the U.S. Navy. 

Leif Babin got married in 2011, and his wife’s name is Jenny Lee. Leif Babin is the father of two children, and currently, he lives in New York.

Leif Babin Books In Order

Book TitlePublication YearBuy at Amazon
Extreme Ownership2018Buy Now
The Dichotomy Of Leadership2019Buy Now
Mai dire ma2019Buy Now

1] Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy Seals Lead And Win

Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win was written by Leif Babin and published in 2015 and became the #1 New York Times bestseller. In this book, Leif Babin and co-author described the leadership skills of the individual who led their team for an operation at the time of war. This book is based on the personal experience of Leif Babin and his colleague who served in the U.S. Naval force.

Extreme Ownership book tells you about how to become a good chief or leader. Leif Babin describes the key qualities of a good leader;

  • how he takes extreme ownership of the mission,
  • how he handles their team member
  • admitting his/her failure or not
  • And his or her self-confidence about completing the mission. 

Leading a team is not an easy task for anyone because every individual has a different mindset, and managing them in your team with ease is the quality of a good leader. If you read this book, you will be able to know about the personal experience of Leif Babin as captain of the U.S. Naval Force and how he handles his team at the time of war operations and missions.

2] Dichotomy Of Leadership: Balancing The Challenges Of Extreme Ownership To Lead And Win

The dichotomy of leadership is the second publication in the list of Leif Babin Books In Order, which was published on September 25, 2018. In this novel, Leif describes the dichotomy of the leaders and how the mission chief goes through many contradictions about his plans and responsibility.

The dichotomy of Leadership shows the caliber of the commander, how he nurtures his team members and empowers his teammates, the quality of the training given by their leader, the problems of the teammates, and how he takes all the responsibility whatever the situation is going on because good leaders never blame others for his unsuccessful mission. 

Leif Babin describes every situation of a leader’s life in the Dichotomy of Leadership book by giving an example from his personal experiences from the past when he served as U.S. Naval commander. 

You must read this book to know the situations and challenges faced by the leaders and their skills and how he handles them to make a balance with their team members.

Leif Babin Career

Leif Babin is the former U.S. Navy Seal officer, author, and co-founder of the Echelon Front. He served thirteen years in the U.S. Navy, including nine years as a seal platoon commander.

Leif planned many operations and led their teams in the battle of Ramadi, which helped his team to achieve victory. During his last tour, Leif Babin served as executive and operation head when he got deployed again with the special task force in Iraq at the time of the US-Iraq conflict.

After returning from Ramadi, he became an instructor at the seal naval to get the best naval officer for the next generation. Leif Babin reshaped the seal leadership training program to get the best naval seal officers for the immense challenges of combat. 

Leif Babin is one of the few American heroes left to narrate the first-hand tales of the US-Iraq war in the early 2000s. Leif Babin is the recipient of the Silver Star, 2 Bronze Stars, and a Purple Heart by the U.S. Government.

After quitting the naval, Leif Babin and his colleagues started the Echelon Front, in which they had the goal of training the leaders to aspire the leadership through discipline and lessons learned from the U.S. Navy Seal team. In this organization, Leif acts as a motivational speaker, leadership coach, and business strategies maker for their clients’ companies. Apart from these duties of his company, he is the speaker of U.S. foreign policy and military strategies.

Take Aways

Leif Babin is a great leader, speaker, and instructor, as well as a very good author. In this article, we have gone through the Leif Babin Books In Order and the life of the American hero Leif Babin. If you are an entrepreneur, business person, leader, manager, or an individual, who wants to enhance your leadership skills, then you must read Leif Babin’s books.

It can definitely help you learn the art of managing a team and handling complex situations with a calm mind.

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