Evan Winter Books In Order of Publication

Evan Winter Books In Order | Updated [2023]

Evan Winter Books In Order – All fantasy novels should have a solid base of reality. Evan’s Winter fantasy series of the book is a live example of this. In Evan’s books, we can see the base of some reality of his life shown in some parts of his fantasy stories.

In this context, we are going to take a look at how Evan’s grown up, his childhood, teenage days, and journey as a fantasy writer, and also will let you go through the best Evan Winter Books In Order, namely The Fires of Vengeance and The Rage of Dragons.

Evan’s Thinking About Novels And Stories

Evan thinks that our life is also like a novel story that is not going to end on a happy note. Evan wanted to be a writer from his childhood, but he never focused on writing. Somehow, he realized the words in his mind could not write for themselves, so he decided to bring those stories to the paper.

Evan got many rejections from publishers for his story. Evan’s thoughts about writing are; that even though he got a single life to live, he could have thousands more by writing and reading because when writers write some novel, they start living the character’s life they are writing about.

In Evan Winter’s novels, you can get a clear snap of his life. He has added many things and real-life experiences of childhood that he learned and experienced while living in Rand.

Evan Winter Books In Order

Let’s have a look at the Evan Winter books and novels in the publication order.

Publication Order of The Burning Books

Book TitlePublication YearBuy at Amazon
The Rage of Dragons(2019)Buy Now
The Fires of Vengeance(2020)Buy Now

Evan has written his first novel called Spar Hawk, which got rejected in the early days of his writing. Evan feels something special should happen when anyone feels he is the novel’s character. It adds extra joy while reading. Evans feels that it is better to get involved in the story inside and then, right along with the story being told. Evan Winter does not get any publisher for his debut novel.

Evan’s Debutant Novel “The rage of the Dragons”

The first novel in the list of Evan Winter Books In Order was “The Rage of the Dragons”, which was published in the year 2017. It was published by Evan Winter then; it was later released by Hachette’s orbit Imprint. This work of Evan is in the dark fantasy and epic fantasy genre.

The Rage of Dragons takes the best parts of epic fantasy and sets them in a refreshing and inventive new world. It shows a hero’s journey between war and colonialism.

Evan has created a world of magic and cycles of violence in which he wants to see how people change once they come into power and if they are good enough to hold their good qualities in the power lust or not.

The fire of the Vengeance “The Burning”

The Fire of vengeance “the burning” is the second novel in this series. This novel is based on the Omeghi people. Desperate to delay an impending attack by the people of Xidda, Tau, and his Queen make a dangerous plan. If Tau succeeds, the Queen will have the time to assemble her forces and launch an all-out assault on her capital city, where her sister is being propped up as the ‘true’ Queen of the Omehi.

Evan Winter – Early Life

Wordsmith Evan Winter was born in England, and his parents were South American. He developed into an adult in Africa. He spent his childhood reading Roberts Jordan’s work in the summers while playing Sarah McLachlan music in the background.

He always has a tilt toward reading fantasy novels and stories. Evan Winter stated that sometimes while reading the novel, he goes into the world of Heroism, wonder, conflict, and magic. He also learned many things from the days he spent in the basic unit of the African monastery.

Evan’s Early Jobs Before He Became The Wordsmith

Evan Winter works as a bartender in two different countries, and from his earnings, he went to university. Evan works as a cinematographer and director. He also got famous for his works as a director and cinematographer because his work got viral and has been seen more than five hundred million times over the internet.

This incident gives him recognition as a director and cinematographer. Evan works with many unknown talents and some great celebrities, which help him to become a creative director for one of the biggest companies in the world.

Threats Given To Evan Winter

Evan got many threats in the United Kingdom regarding the issue of his identity. Many English Mobsters threatened him in the case of mistaken identity because he worked with many unknown artists. Evan experienced that even though he is doing good things but in the end, nothing is going right in Evan’s life. Evan got many lessons from the succession of both good and bad experiences.

Wrap Up

In this article, we have closely seen Evan Winter Books In order and his biography. You have seen how he became a successful author after struggling through bad times. His stories will let you feel the roller coaster of life that seems amazing from the outside, but the reality is different. To get the thrill and to enter the world of fantasy, you must read the consecutive series of Evan Winter writeups.

Top FAQ on Evan Winter

  1. Which is the latest book by Evan Winter?

    Evan Winter’s latest book is “The Fires of Vengeance” which is released in 2020.

  2. How many books are written by Evan Winter?

    He has written 2 books.

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