David Hackworth Books In Order

David Hackworth Books In Order | Updated [2023]

David Hackworth Books In Order – In this universe, many soldiers make their souls proud by serving their countries in the war. They have many stories of bravery and courage of their own and their battalions. People ignore their problems when it comes to the security of their country. David H. Hackworth is one of them who served 25 years of life in the US army and showed an example of how to live a vivid and patriotic life.

He is a Colonel in the US army who served in the war between Korea and Vietnam; along with this, he is a very good journalist, restaurateur, and author who published the best David H. Hackworth Books In Order.

David H. Hackworth is a well-known author who is known for their contribution to defense news and writings. He has written many books in which he describes the problems and stories of the soldiers who fought for their country. 

If you want to know about the stories of those brave soldiers and their problems, then, in this artifact, we are going to have a look at David H. Hackworth Books In Order, David H. Hackworth‘s life, and his army career.

David H. Hackworth Biography

David was born on November 11, 1930, in Oceanpark, California. His father and mother died when David was a year old. David and his brother and sister were raised by his paternal grandmother, and their family depended on government aid for survival during the days of the recession. David and his friend earn money by polishing the shoes of the military soldiers at the nearby military stations.

Writing Carrier Of David H. Hackworth

In the mid-1980, David H. Hackworth started contributing as an editor on defense issues for Newsweek. He constantly appeared in TV debates on the topics of American security and defense. Hackworth’s weekly column “Defending America” was distributed by King Features Syndicate until his death.

David has written six, which are as follows.

  • About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior
  • Steel My Soldiers’ Hearts
  • Hazardous Duty
  • Price of Honor
  • Brave Men
  • The Vietnam Primer

David Hackworth Books In Order of Publication

Book TitlePublication YearBuy at Amazon
The Vietnam Primer 2003Buy Now
Steel My Soldiers’ Hearts 2002Buy Now
The Price of Honor 1999Buy Now
Hazardous Duty 1996Buy Now
War of Numbers: An Intelligence Memoir 1995Buy Now
Brave Men: Dark Waters 1993Buy Now
About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior1989Buy Now

About Face: The Odyssey Of An American Warrior

About Face: The Odyssey of an American warrior was written by David H. Hackworth and published in the year 1989. In this book, David narrates the story of his patriotic life and the stories of the Vietnam War. He stated many stories from the Vietnam War that the Vietnam veterans called the most important book of their generation. 

Hackworth shows the changing fortunes of America and the American military, and he tries to explain why the Vietnam war started and who is responsible for fuelling the America Vietnam war. David H Hackworth shows his disillusionment after the Vietnam war. To know about his experiences and why he goes through disillusionment then, you have to read the book.

Steel My Soldier’s Heart

Steel My Soldier’s Heart is an international best-seller book that was written by David H. Hackworth and published in 2002. In this book, Hackworth shows how he executes his counter-guerilla fighting theories into action.

In this book, David Hackworth explains how poorly drafted battalions had been given to David and how David changed his Battalions into valiant and ferocious Hardcore soldiers. Hackworth describes his journey of helicopter strikes, sniper missions, and ambush actions. Read the book to know more about the action of David H. Hackworth and his battalions.

The Price Of Honor

The Price of Honor is another David H. Hackworth book In Order, that was published in June 2005. In this book, readers have to go through the story of US special force captain Sandy Caine and his father.

Sandy’s father was a soldier in the American army who got cracked under fire in Vietnam, and his death is under suspicion. Sandy keeps investing in his dad’s death. In this book, readers will get to know about how Sandy Caine’s father died and what is the result of the sandy investigation.

Brave Men

The brave man is a memoir written by David H. Hackworth and published in 1993. In this book, you will get to know about the war stories of Korea and the guerilla war in Vietnam. He writes about the adventures of the war and how he led his men, and they operated 50 caliber guns, jumped on the tanks, and revealed the brutal emotions of battle. David shares all his experiences of war and his real story.

David H. Hackworth Military Career

David Haskell Hackworth served as a member of the American merchant navy ship in the South Pacific Ocean in 1945. He returned to California in 1945 and joined the U S army and was assigned to postwar occupation duty as a rifleman in the 351st Infantry Regiment, 88th Infantry Division in Trieste; his unit was part of Trieste United States Troop. David collects his General Educational Development high-school equivalency diploma.

David H. Hackworth fought the Korean War with the 25th infantry regiment of the 25th infantry division. He was promoted to second lieutenant in 1951 and was awarded three Silver Stars for heroism and three Purple Hearts. After the successful raid on the hill in 1062, again, he was promoted to first lieutenant; the commander of the 27th Infantry Regiment offered Hackworth command of a new volunteer raider unit.

In 1965, he deployed to Vietnam as a major. Many allegations were made against David H Hackworth during the times when he was in Vietnam. David H Hackworth retired as a colonel from the American army, and many investigations were made by American army officers, but they got no results against David H Hackworth.

To Sum Up – David Hackworth

David H. Hackworth is also the founder of soldiers for the truth, which helps soldiers both in terms of capability and treatment of personnel. On his deathbed, he told his wife to do whatever she was able to do for the soldiers who suffered most from silent trauma after the war. If you have the curiosity to know about the war heroes and the Korean and Vietnam war, then you can go through the David H. Hackworth Books In Order.

Top faq on David Hackworth

  1. Which is the latest book by David Hackworth?

    David Hackworth’s latest book is “The Vietnam Primer” which was released in 2003. We have not seen any further books after that as he died on 4 May 2005.

  2. How many books are written by David Haskell Hackworth?

    David Haskell Hackworth had written 7 books as of now. we have listed all his books in this article.

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